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Ne znam. Nisam gledao. A da ima ljepših djevojaka od ovih što se prijavljuju na razne izbore, ima. Ja ih znam barem nekoliko. Ali ne toliko dobro koliko bi htio! :x :crybaby:
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Boy, 6, ousted for sex harassment

By Maria Papadopoulos, Enterprise staff writer
BROCKTON ? A six-year-old boy was suspended from school for three days after officials said he sexually harassed a girl in his first-grade class.

Berthena Dorinvil of Brockton said Monday that school officials suspended her son for three days last week, saying he inappropriately touched a first-grade girl in a classroom at the Downey Elementary School.

"I screamed, because my son doesn't even know what sexual harassment is," Dorinvil, 38, said. "He doesn't know those things. He's only 6 years old."

School officials on Monday declined comment, citing the child's age. "They would have not suspended the child without doing an investigation," said spokeswoman Cynthia McNally.

Dorinvil said Principal Diane Gosselin called her to pick up her son on Jan. 30.

Gosselin told her the boy had been sitting behind the girl on the carpet in a classroom with a teacher and about 20 students present, and the girl had complained to the teacher, claiming her son inappropriately touched her, Dorinvil said.

The principal said her son had put two fingers inside the waistband of the girl's pants and touched her skin, Dorinvil said.

"She said to me, 'That's sexual harassment,' " Dorinvil said.

She said the principal called the district attorney's office and school police.

Dorinvil said she questioned her son about the incident and the boy said he had put two fingers on the back of the girl's shirt after the girl had touched him.

"I said to him, 'Did your fingers touch her skin?' He said to me, 'No, just her shirt.' He was playing with her," Dorinvil said.

A Jan. 30 letter from Gosselin to Dorinvil said her son had committed the infraction of "sexual harassment" and was suspended Jan. 31, Feb. 1 and Feb. 2.

"This disciplinary action was taken after a careful review of the situation and was done in the best educational interest of your child," the letter states. "We request your cooperation in assisting your child to understand the reason for this suspension and in helping to prevent future incidents."

Gosselin did not return a call for comment on Monday.

The Brockton public schools' policy guide defines sexual harassment as "repeated, unwanted, or unwelcomed verbalisms or behaviors of a sexist nature related to a person's sex or sexual orientation."

The policy includes examples of what is called sexual harassment, including "uninvited physical contact such as touching, hugging, patting or pinching."

Parents of other Downey School students said they were surprised by the allegation of sexual harassment.

"For first grade, you can't even think of that," said Sue Gabourel, a mother with two students at the Downey School. "I've never even come across that in sixth grade. I'm really surprised. That's unbelievable."

Toni Saunders, president of the Associated Advocacy Center in Sandwich, called the sexual harassment charge "very unusual."

"This child is 6 and it doesn't make sense that he could assault someone in that way in a classroom with other people there," Saunders said.

Saunders, who has agreed to advocate on behalf of Dorinvil's son, said she would question the adults in the classroom at the time.

"If in fact it really did happen, where were they?" Saunders said. "And secondly, and most importantly, how does this little girl know about these things? Because at 6, she shouldn't."

Dorvinvil said her son has been home since the suspension and she hopes he will be transferred to another school.

"My son told the principal, 'Are police going to get me? What did I do wrong?'" Dorinvil said. "I'm confused because I really don't know what this is about."

On its Web site, the National Association of Elementary School Principals issued a statement titled "Sexual Harassers Can Be Elementary School Students." It concluded by saying:

"It is critical that principals act quickly and take sexual harassment very seriously. Remember that anything that is offensive to the opposite sex can and might be considered sexual harassment, including tugging at clothes, name-calling, and playground teasing. Cracking down now not only is best for students, it will also create a better climate for learning. And it's certainly good PR (public relations)."

Assistant District Attorney Bridget Norton Middleton declined comment on the case, saying it's a juvenile matter.
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:x :x :x :x

ho?e li se uskoro u americi majke i o?eve optuživati za seksualno uznemiravanje kad budu uhva?eni "na djelu" dok peru i previjaju svoje bebe??

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ja do 14. nisam smio pogledati djevoj?icu u o?i a ne ne[?]to naĹžao u?initi ili dota?i... sport se ne ra?una
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Kad dotakne[?] Amera, to je seksualno napastovanje. Kod nas, kad gurne[?] nekome prst u [?]upak, to je rukovanje.
Je li to liberalnost ili [?]ta? :D
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jednostavno nepo[?]tovanje
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Zeljko wrote: a first-grade girl
Jesam se samo ja zaka?io za ovu formulaciju? :lol:
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"Prvorazredna djevojka", a? :;
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VLASNICA trgovine s dje?jom opremom zatrudnjela je s dvostrukom mla?im u?enikom karlova?ke srednje [?]kole. Kako doznaje karlova?ki portal Sedam.hr, radi se o 32-godi[?]njoj V.M., koja je najbolja prijateljica u?enikove majke.

Pri?a o neobi?nom paru iz karlova?kog predgra?a ?ija veza traje ve? tri godine ovih dana trese Karlovac. 16-godi[?]njak Ĺživi u blizini tridesetdvogodi[?]nje V.M., te odra?uje stru?nu praksu u njezinoj trgovini.

Vijest da je V.M. ostala trudna doznali su po?etkom ove godine, a obje obitelji su dale blagoslov njihovoj vezi. Kako doznaje regionalni tjednik 7 dana iz Karlovca, par ve? Ĺživi zajedno, a uz dozvolu njegovih roditelja mogli bi se i vjen?ati.

Prema Kazenom zakonu (?lanak 191 stavak 2), osoba koja iskori[?]tavaju?i svoj poloĹžaj ili odnos prema maloljetnoj osobi koja joj je povjerena radi u?enja, odgoja, ?uvanja ili njege izvr[?]i s njom spolni odno[?]aj ili s njim izjedna?enu spolnu radnju, kaĹžnjava se kaznom zatvora od [?]est mjeseci do pet godina.

Prema Obiteljskom zakonu (?lanak 26, stavak 2), sud moĹže dopustiti sklapanje braka osobi koja je navr[?]ila [?]esnaest godina Ĺživota, ako utvrdi da je mentalno i tjelesno zrela za brak, te da za zaklju?enje braka postoji opravdan razlog. Uz to mora se dobiti pristanak roditelja te mi[?]ljenje centra za socijalnu skrb.

Prema tuma?enjima pravnika, spolna zrelost za heteroseksualni odnos je 16 godina. Zakon zabranjuje spolne odnose prije 14. godine, do te dobi se nuĹžno radi o silovanju.

Postoje li kazneni elementi u ljubavnoj pri?i koja traje ve? tri godine, trebala bi utvrditi za to nadleĹžna tijela.
:x :x :x
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Unread post by SAMSUILUNOV OTAC »

Ako stvar ode na sud, ne?e se ni[?]ta dogoditi zbog dva razloga.
1 - i, vjerojatno, budu?a Ĺžena tog klinca i njegovi roditelji i sam klinac ?e na sudu re?i da je sve to bilo dobrovoljno i da nije bilo nikakve prisile (jer svi odobravaju tu vezu, a amli je spolno zreo), dakle, zadovoljeni su zahtjevi obiteljskog zakona
2 - ta Ĺžena se ne ubraja u odredbe tog ?lanka kaznenog zakona jer niti je odgajala klinca, niti ga je u?ila, niti joj je povjeren na ?uvanje, budu?i da radi u trgovini. A silovanje isto nije, jer mali ima vi[?]e od 14 godina.
Uostalom, pogledaj kolike maloljetnice kod nas ra?aju u zadnje vrijeme? I nikome ni[?]ta. :dontknow:
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kažu da su se zaljubili jedno u drugo prije 2 godine, dakle kad je njemu bilo 14. I ?ekali su 2 godine da bi mogli, znate ve?... :oops:
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Unread post by Kron »

Ja mislim da ce oni otici na Sanju i napraviti jos jednu zabavnu epizodu najgledanijeg talk-showa u hrvata, te tako svima pokazati njihovu ljubav!
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Zeljko wrote:te odra?uje stru?nu praksu u njezinoj trgovini.
Eto, a ja sam na svojoj stru?noj praksi glancao konzerve :angryfire:
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Unread post by Sandman »

Ja sam pakirao dje?ju hranu. :angel:

I vidio najdlakavijeg ?ovjeka na svijetu. :x
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