DRACULA: The Evidence - luksuz na Kickstarteru

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DRACULA: The Evidence - luksuz na Kickstarteru

Unread post by Xaotix »

Naletio sam na ovo na Kickstarteru, Dracula the Evidence.

To je jedna od onih potpuno nepotrebnih stvari, koje nemam kam staviti ali bih ubio nekog da ju imam doma :D
In our edition, you are not merely a reader – you are an explorer making your way through this archive of first-hand evidence, retracing this nightmarish story through the remnants it left behind: correspondence, charts and diagrams, memoranda, artifacts, photographs and much more.


All of the evidence, presented in a leatherette briefcase with metal clasps. Hundreds of documents, including:

several books, including Mina Harker's journal, Jonathan Harker's diary, and more
dozens of letters, notes and telegrams
a playable phonograph record detailing Dr. Seward's care for his troubled patient Renfield
maps of the locations where the story unfolds, marked up by the characters
newspaper clippings and advertisements
train and theatre tickets
shipping manifests
travel itineraries
and much, much more.
Ovakva izdanja su možda nezgodna za čitanje u tramvaju ili kadi, ali vjerojatno daju potpuno novo iskustvo i dojam knjige. mutno se sjećam Drakule koja je bila kolekcija pisama, bilo je onih pop-up knjiga o vampirima i Jacku Trbosjeku, s pisamcima i Da li je netko imao prilike vidjeti nešto slično?
Randomness is strong with this one!
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