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Hrvatiiiii (i Srbi) uuuuuu SVEMIRUUUUUUUU!!!

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 14:27
by Izitpajn

TWO SYNERGY MOON X PRIZE TEAM MEMBERS TO FLY ORBITAL MISSION: Interorbital Systems (IOS) announced today that it is developing a two-person orbital crew module as an addition to its orbital tourism operations. The company’s modular NEPTUNE 1000 rocket will loft the spacecraft to orbit. The initial flight tests, planned for late 2011, were originally slated as unmanned missions, but due to popular demand from extreme adventure travel groups, these flights will now carry two test pilots---Nebojsa Stanojevic, a Serbian, and Miroslav Ambrus-Kis, a Croatian, both of whom are seasoned explorers. Neb is an accomplished filmmaker who has sailed around the world in a 30-ft. boat. Mirolslav “Dr. Mac,” is a journalist and mountain climber with Mt. Everest and Annapurna on his list of conquests. They are also both team members of the Google Lunar X PRIZE Team SYNERGY MOON.

Interorbital’s NEPTUNE 1000 rocket, which can lift 1000-kg to Low Earth Orbit, or 60kg to the surface of the Moon, does double-duty as a space tourism vehicle and as the lunar launch vehicle for Team SYNERGY MOON. The two-man capsule is designed to orbit the earth for approximately 12 hours or 8 orbits around the planet. For assured reentry, the spacecraft will be launched into a self-decaying orbit. The crew module, which has a launch escape system to insure the pilots’ safety, will splash down Apollo-style on parachutes in the South Pacific Ocean near its launch location in the Kingdom of Tonga. The price for this orbital adventure is expected to be $800,000 per person when commercial service begins in 2012.

Re: Hrvatiiiii (i Srbi) uuuuuu SVEMIRUUUUUUUU!!!

Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 09:28
by Ire

Re: Hrvatiiiii (i Srbi) uuuuuu SVEMIRUUUUUUUU!!!

Posted: 13 Oct 2009, 17:08
by Dagi
Znači, nova Jugoslavija na Mjesecu?

Re: Hrvatiiiii (i Srbi) uuuuuu SVEMIRUUUUUUUU!!!

Posted: 13 Oct 2009, 19:11
by Izitpajn
Hehe, oćeš sad reć da si to predvidio? ;)

Re: Hrvatiiiii (i Srbi) uuuuuu SVEMIRUUUUUUUU!!!

Posted: 14 Oct 2009, 11:40
by Dagi
Nisam predvidio Jugoslaviju, nego titoiste. :scratch:

Re: Hrvatiiiii (i Srbi) uuuuuu SVEMIRUUUUUUUU!!!

Posted: 14 Oct 2009, 12:58
by Izitpajn
Ah, sitničavost...